
Felt Heart Garland

I’ve got a quick and easy project for you today. Once I put my LOVE jars in the dining room, I felt like something was missing. I wanted something to go across the mirror, so I decided to make a garland. I kept it simple since the jars are plenty detailed. Felt hearts are sweet and pretty and perfect with the other Valentine’s Day decorations I’ve made this year. You could hang a longer version of this anywhere.





Needle and thread


The supplies for this one are super simple. I used felt I’d used for other projects and thread from my collection. I came across the ribbon by accident in my stash when I was looking for something else, and it was perfect. I love that it’s iridescent, and I wish I’d found it when I was making the mantel garland. Oh well, I’ll find something else to do with it!

I started out by making a heart template. I used a scrap piece of cardboard this time, but I usually use paper. I trimmed the heart down until I was happy with the shape.

Next I cut hearts out of the felt. I cut three hearts out of each color, knowing I could cut more if I needed them. (Spoiler alert: I didn’t.)

To attach the hearts to the ribbon, I decided to sew them on. I left several inches of ribbon at one end before sewing the first heart on, and then I alternated colors, spacing them about an inch apart. I threaded three needles since I was using three different colors of felt and thread, and that helped it to go a little faster. I left an equal amount of ribbon at the other end, and I was done! This would probably be a good project for fabric glue, though I’ve had mixed success using it with felt.

What I didn’t do was measure before I made the garland, and I probably should have. I think if I’d left off maybe one heart it would have been about the perfect length to tuck the ends behind the mirror. I also could have added one and stretched it just a little longer, but I think it’s pretty as it is.

I hung the garland for now with tape, but I might go back and use little clear Command hooks. I think it might look a little cleaner that way, but the tape certainly works. The garland is so lightweight that it doesn’t take much to keep it up.

There’s still more time before Valentine’s Day. Let me know if you have any other ideas for me! I have truly enjoyed adding to our decorations this year. I just realized today that if you stand by our front door you can see all of the decorations I’ve made. Don’t they go well together?! 

Check out my other Valentine’s Day projects here…

Pom Pom Wreath

Small Heart Wreath for HOME Sign

Yarn Wrapped Heart Garland

LOVE Jar Vases

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