Mesh Tube Fall Wreath From Dollar Tree Supplies
I had so much fun making my Halloween mesh tube wreath that I wanted to make another one ASAP. As I was collecting mesh tube in Halloween colors, I also grabbed anything I could find in fall colors. (And Christmas… but that’s a future post.) I really, really love this one. The colors are just amazing.
Once again, all of the supplies for this wreath came from Dollar Tree. I *heart* that place.
- Wreath form
- Mesh tube in assorted colors
- Pipe cleaners
- Scissors
- Yardstick/tape measure

Compared to my Halloween wreath, this one was less complicated. I used an additional color this time, but every pack of mesh tube had the same amount. Having the measurements roughly the same was pretty nice.
Some notes about the supplies:
Dollar Tree is not the only place you can get deco mesh tube, but it is the best deal I’ve found. For this project I used 15 bags, which may have been overkill, but it worked! I used three bags each of red, orange, yellow, green, and brown. All beautiful fall colors.
You can also find the wreath forms elsewhere. Dollar Tree sells 14” forms, which I’ve also bought online (such as Craft Outlet) when all of my Dollar Tree stores are out of them. I stocked up last time I found them in store!
You can use any color of pipe cleaner, because you won’t see them once you attach them. I bought a pack, but I could have used the random selection I have at home.
Here’s how you make a mesh tube wreath.
Cut your pipe cleaners in half. You need one half of a pipe cleaner per bundle of tube that you make. For me, that was 48, so I used 24 pipe cleaners.

Lay out your yardstick, or open your tape measure to at least 28”. You could even cut a piece of cardboard or string or something to measure against.
Open your bags of tube and snip off the ties holding each piece together.

Unwind your tubes so that they are loose. When you’re measuring and cutting them, you don’t want them to stretch out.
Holding the ends of all of your colors together, lay them out and cut at the 28” mark. Set those aside, gather up your colors again, and repeat.

Once you have your mesh tube cut, you’re ready to start making bundles! I cut up one bag of tube of each color at a time. I’d make bundles out of those, and then cut up another batch.
To make your bundles, take one piece of each color and line up one end in your hand. Holding them together in your palm, make a loop at one end, and then make a loop going the other way. Go back and forth until you have two loops of each color at each end. Make sure you have enough left over in the center to get caught in the pipe cleaner.
Wrap a pipe cleaner around the middle of your bundle, getting it as tight as possible. Twist it a couple of times to secure it, and then leave the ends loose to eventually attach it to your wreath form.

Before or after you add the pipe cleaner, you can adjust your loops as needed. Just be careful not to pull them out entirely. I kept making bundles until I ran out of tube.
To add your bundles to the wreath form, twist the ends of your pipe cleaners around the middle two bars of the wreath form. Slide the bundles to one side of each section of the form. The wreath form has six sections, and I was able to fit eight bundles into each section. It was a bit of a squeeze, but it makes a very full wreath! Actually, I ended up with seven in one section, but you would never know.

Make sure to tuck in all of your pipe cleaner ends so you don’t get poked—and they don’t poke your door/wall (or you).
On the front side of the wreath, trim away any loose ends that may be sticking out. (I spy some in the pictures of mine, but I can take care of those later.)
That’s it! I love the metal wreath forms because they are easy to hang on my wreath hook.

Happy crafting!