Small Halloween Wreath (for HOME sign)
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So I was going to leave up my generic fall wreath on my HOME sign until it was time for something Christmasy. But the kids thought I should make something for Halloween. I started coming up with all sorts of ideas, so here we are. Note that if you like this but don’t want the whole HOME sign, you could always make this bigger and hang it up on its own.
Apparently I’m on a major spider kick this Halloween. Check out my webs and spiders to see what I mean. Seemed only fitting to make this little wreath match, and as a bonus I was able to reuse a bunch of supplies I used for the other projects.
Paintbrush (foam is my favorite for this)
White string/crochet thread
Command Picture Hanging Strips or Velcro squares for hanging
Paint or paint markers to decorate spider bodies

I love love love these craft rings. I’ve only seen them at Michaels, and I’ve been stocking up on them. I almost have a set of 12 so I can make a wreath for every month. My backup plan is still to cut a ring out of sturdy cardboard if I ever can’t find these, but the 6” size is just perfect for this project.
I have some black wire left over from my spider and pinecone bird projects, but I decided to use some thinner wire I have in my stash for these spiders. I wanted to introduce a little color, and I also wanted these spiders to be a little smaller to match the smaller web. Thinner wire is just easier to work with, too.
I had some black Model Magic leftover from my last spider project, so that’s what I went with.
I intended to use the same string I used for my big web, but I decided it was a little too thick for this smaller project. Then I remembered I have some crochet thread from doing string art, and that is perfect!
Step 1
Paint the ring black. I used my foam brush and was able to do it with one coat, but watch out for bare spots. Let it dry.

Step 2
Make the web. I thought I was going to make the web and THEN attach it, but that was a disaster from the start. I ended up switching things up and doing basically what I did when I made my big webs—building the web on the floral ring. You can check out my web tutorial for full instructions, but I’ll give a quick summary here.
First I cut 4 pieces of string and arranged them on my desk. I turned the ring upside down and put it on top of the strings, centering it so that point where they all meet was in the middle of the circle. Then I glued each string to the back of the ring with a generous amount of glue–making sure to cover the string all around. I cut a small piece of string and tied it around the strings to form a center point. I cut a piece of string a few feet long and tied it around one string near the center. Then I started working my way around, tying knots on each string along the way. Make as many rings as you want. Once you’re happy with the way your web looks, trim the strings. I did something a little differently this time and cut the strings very short. I used a tiny bit of hot glue to secure the knots.

Step 3
Make the spider(s). You can put as many spiders as you want on the wreath! I made one for each of my kids. 🙂 I used the same technique I used to make my spiders (see HERE). Cut four equal pieces of wire. Cut a smaller piece of wire and wrap it around all four of the leg wires—right in the middle. Take a small amount of Model Magic and form it into a body shape around the center of the legs. Bend the legs some and set them aside to dry.

I originally declared my wreath done at this point, but after I hung it up I thought it was missing a little something. There’s a lot of black. I decided to decorate the spider bodies just a little bit. I couldn’t find my paint markers, but I had my puffy paint handy from my window clings, so I grabbed some silver paint and added a few markings to the spiders. I like it! Now that I’m thinking about it, though, I have glow in the dark paint that might have been fun. So many ideas…
Step 4
Attach the spider to the web. Bend the ends of the legs around the strings of the web so that they hang on tight. If they don’t seem secure enough, use some hot glue to hold them in place.
Step 5
Attach a small Command strip or Velcro square to the back of the wreath.
Now your wreath is ready to be attached to the HOME sign! Happy Halloween!