DIY Cotton Candy Glitter Bombs
I’ve seen cotton candy glitter bombs listed for sale in various craft groups I’m in, and they’ve intrigued me since I first saw them. I think I’d turn just about everything around me pearlescent if I could, so why not my drinks? But… I’ve always wondered if they’re really safe. I knew the kids would love them in their sparkling grape juice as much as I would. I decided I wanted to try to make some for New Year’s Eve this year, but I did some research first.
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Before you even start thinking about making these, I highly recommend reading this article. I was amazed as I was searching Amazon how many different glitter products are being marketed for food purposes—but are not actually edible. The fine print on some of the products says that decorative items made with the glitter should be removed before eating. That won’t work for drinks…
After much searching, I eventually settled on this product. It is made from food-grade mica powder. (The full ingredient list is mica powder, titanium dioxide, and artificial colorant.) I’ve used mica powder for other products, so I know how shimmery and sparkly it can be. I bought the rose gold powder, but there are so many pretty options! As a bonus: I have not been able to taste it at all. I’m very happy about that.
I read recommendations for a Wilton product that I was really excited about. I figured that would be easy to find (perhaps at a craft store?), but I couldn’t get any in time for NYE. It is another option, however. It comes in multiple colors as well.
I found the cotton candy at Target in their Christmas clearance section, but my next stop was going to be Walmart. I had seen available it in their app, so I think it may be available there year-round. (I need to remember that for my next cotton candy craving.)

Making the glitter bombs is actually really easy. You take a piece of cotton candy and form a ball shape. Make an indentation in it, and put some “glitter” inside. Close up the hole, and you’re done!
I should note that I made mine for champagne glasses, so I made them pretty small. I used a full 1/4 teaspoon of glitter, but I don’t know that I even needed that much. If you’re using a bigger glass, you may want to go a little bigger.

To see the magic happen, put the cotton candy glitter bomb in your glass, pour your beverage over it, and watch! We didn’t even have to stir ours up. As the cotton candy dissolves, which happens very quickly, the glitter starts moving! I think it would probably still look pretty in a non-carbonated drink, but the carbonation makes it really, really fun.
While I made these for New Year’s Eve, I think any day could be a cotton candy glitter bomb kind of day. If you give it a try, let me know! You can find me on Instagram or Facebook.
Happy New Year, and—as always—happy crafting!