
Colorful Dollar Tree Eucalyptus Wreath

Okay, this is one I am SO EXCITED about! Mainly because I didn’t think I was ever going to be able to make one. I had seen a bunch of pictures of colorful eucalyptus wreaths for sale, but I couldn’t find any information about how to make one—or where to even find the eucalyptus. I could only find green varieties, which are pretty but just not the same. So when I happened to discover by chance that Dollar Tree carries the colorful eucalyptus, I was thrilled!

Discovering that Dollar Tree carries the eucalyptus and actually finding it are two different things. It comes in 5 different colors (red, orange/green, yellow/green, purple, and cream). Actually, you can see here for yourself. I didn’t know how much I needed, and the 36 that you have to buy online seemed like overkill (spoiler alert: I think I used 40), so I set about trying to collect everything I could find. My goal was to get to as close to an even number of each color as possible.

After the first Dollar Tree, where I found 6 pieces, I couldn’t believe my luck! But trips to two more stores didn’t yield anymore, and I figured I was out of luck until next fall. BUT THEN I struck gold and found a whole bunch of it. Two trips to THAT store later, and I have a completed wreath!

I used the 18” wreath form that I found at Dollar Tree, but you could use the 14” wreath form (that they also carry) and need less eucalyptus. It would still make a pretty good-sized wreath.

Here’s what I used:

I did not take the eucalyptus stems apart to make this, so it was actually a very quick process. The most time-consuming part was taking off the price tags. Go figure!

My two main goals were to spread out the different colors and make a wreath that looked full. I didn’t want to follow a pattern (so it looked a little more natural), but I also didn’t want big groups of the same color.

I attached the first two stems by wrapping the wire around the stems and the wreath form. As I added stems, I tried to be careful to wrap them in such a way that I didn’t pin all of the little branches close to the form. I wanted them to stick out so it would look as full as possible. Each of the Dollar Tree eucalyptus stems has five branches. I wove the wire in and out of those.

I kept adding stems, eyeballing the wreath to get the right fullness (and hoping I’d have enough). With each stem that I added, I’d catch a little more of previous stems in it. With the wreath full, you can’t see the wire, and all of the stems are wrapped close to the wreath form on the back. 

If my math is right, I used 40 stems in total. There’s one spot where I’d like to add just one more, so if I happen to see another stem I will grab it! I’m really happy with how it turned out, though. It’s the perfect fall wreath, and I may have to leave it out year-round.

Happy crafting!

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